Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Christmas Clothes for Baby

What do your children wear for Christmas? Maybe on Christmas Day? Or on Christmas Eve? How about to church the Sunday before Christmas? Or to a Christmas party? Do they wear the same special outfit? Do you get a special outfit?

Growing up we always had something new and special for Christmas. We would wear it Christmas Day when we went to my grandparent’s house for the afternoon and evening. Christmas Eve we celebrated too, but it was a casual evening. Christmas morning we went to my dad’s parents for breakfast and presents in our pajamas! Then, after opening presents we would get ready for the more formal Christmas celebration at my mom’s parents house.

Now it’s my turn to dress my own children. This year it is only my son. He will be one in another week. These days he doesn’t stay in one size very long. So what does he wear? Where does he wear it? And how many times?

I’ll tell you, as a photographer (much to my husbands dislike) Christmas portraits are a must for me. :) So that is one time he can wear something special. He *should* have a special outfit for his Christmas portraits! :) Our Christmas Day celebration is going to be low key. My mom will be in town and my sister is coming up (at least this is the way I think it will go). We will have yummy food, but it will be casual. :) The Christmas Eve service at church could be another time he could wear his special Christmas clothes… or even the last Sunday before Christmas. I don’t know.

The point is… he won’t get to wear them very many times ~ 2… maybe 3 tops! And since we are expecting a little girl in March instead of a boy, this outfit may never be worn again.

My suggestion for finding frugal Christmas clothes… Wal-Mart! :) You can find lots of different baby clothes for relatively inexpensive! There are other ways of course for the truly frugal. You can find all sorts of great things at thrift stores or in hand-me-downs from friends or relatives. Keep your eyes out all year long for next year’s!

The most frugal way I have found… let the grandparents gift it to you. You may find me shameless, but I had a feeling my mom, or my grandmother, would send some cute thing along. :) DH was worried when I dragged him through the baby section looking at all the cute baby clothes our son would wear once or twice, but I just wanted to look. I had a feeling grandma would be sending something… and surprise! There it was. She was so excited to do it that I just couldn’t find it in my heart not to let her. :)

Hey, it works for me!

And for more frugal tips, visit Crytal!


  1. the outfit is VERY cute!! I thought along the same lines, our baby is our last so I know it won't be worn again so I asked grandma to get something that says baby's 1st Christmas.

    I like to shop consignment stores for girl's cute Christmas dresses.

  2. There are many more special occassions when children can be dressed up, like birthdays, parties, Christmas-New Year, photographies or when you go out to some restaurants.

    As children grow older, some begin to hate dressing up.
