Saturday, November 24, 2007

Party Invitations

I spent this evening filling out 1st Birthday Party invitations! So fun... my little boy is having his first birthday! It's a little stressful too though. We aren't intending to have a huge party... just a little something to make up for the fact that we don't live near any family (well... my sister will be driving the 2 hours to be with us if she can). Our church really has become important family, but I am trying to keep things small (DH said I could have the party, but that I couldn't have a budget for the party... One might think I could then spend anything I want... but alas, it means I'm not supposed to spend anything). Small means I can't open things up to the whole church (300 plus people).

I am sure our wonderful friends (who are allowing us to use their home for this party) are glad it's not for that many people, but still it leaves me with the stressful job of making out invitations. There is a list of the no brainers. I included all the couples in our Sunday School class... then the families who have kids in the infant nursery with our DS. Then the list gets a little stickier... the guys (and their families) that DH works closely with (many of them are at our church also, but others are just so close to us that we wouldn't ever not invite them)... then a few families that have taken special interest in us or our son... then that leads to others. But if we invite those others, it lead to others... and so on. I finally drew a line in the sand, but I'm not sure I drew it in the right place.

Struggle number 2... gifts. We really don't need much... but a few things would be helpful... but I don't need people to bring gifts, nor do I want them to feel they need to (I understand not having money for such things). Really we (OK, I... DH would rather shop Black Friday than have this party [ok, maybe that is a little overboard, but you get my point]) don't have room for much more than we have, nor need... but I know some people will want to bring something and would love guidance.

So... I left a little note on the back of each invitation (yes, I wrote the same thing 18ish times) saying how gifts are not necessary, but if they must...

Anyway, now that I have done it and there is no going back... I'm wondering what you would have done? Or what you have done in the past? How do you attack the gift thing? Or the deciding who to invite thing?

Perhaps I'll try to tackle some posts on planning a party on a $0 budget this next couple weeks till the party (Dec. 4th for those of you who are just dying to know). :)

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