Housework, among other things, can be difficult for the perfectionist to accomplish! We don’t want to start a project unless there is time to do it all… so we don’t ever start. (Worse, we don’t have time, but we won’t let anyone [especially our babies] help because they won’t do it right!)
I know some of you are familiar with Flylady. I don't always recommend her because I haven't been happy with her FLY motto of “finally loving yourself”. I am a strong believer that the Bible teaches how we all naturally love ourselves, and that we need to work on being less self-centered, not more, but she does have a lot of good to say about cleaning and if that will help you I encourage you to check out
Anyway, the reason I brought her up at all is that she has this saying... "Housework done incorrectly still blesses your family!" (This may not be an exact quote, but it's the right idea.) I don't know if she says this one or not, but I like to add that *Housework done INCOMPLETELY still blesses your family!*
A perfect example? Well... I decluttered today... but I didn't get it all done. It looks so much better though. Last night while my son was in the bath, I cleaned the bathroom...except for the floor (I still smile when I go in, even though the floor still needs to be done). If I were to take my own advice and wipe down the kitchen floor (even for 2 minutes a day), it would eventually look nice and I would love the parts that were done. :) On really crazy days, I am tempted to continue to let the dishes pile up in the sink because there isn't time to do them. I am sooo thankful for the days I think to just do as many as I have time for. It is nice later to have less to do. :)
I hope this encourages you! I too can be perfectionistic (though I am truly a lazy perfectionist by birth), but I have been learning that one cupboard door wiped clean each day will eventually get the job done. :) (Now if only I’d do that one cupboard door, but this post touches on that topic!)
Greetings fellow Flyer! I'm working on the holiday cruising missions and I'm so excited on how ready I am for the holidays!
ReplyDeleteI'm getting ready for the Holidays. I'm putting my lights on my deck this year.I love decorating more n more since I have been finding all sorts of new ways from all the bloggers out there.