Thursday, December 6, 2007

My "I did it" list!

I am thankful to the Lord for our returned water! I got it back very late in the morning, but in enough time to get the dishes done and more laundry started! My house doesn't look like anything special yet (as the kitchen table is still piled with things and toys lay about the living room), but I did get a good bit done today! Here is my accomplishment's list... I'll try to keep it updated if I do anymore tonight. :)
  • Dishes
  • Made Homemade Bread (we don't buy bread anymore and we were out... now I can make sandwiches again.) :)
  • Folded all laundry (this was 2 big loads)
  • Switched laundry to dryer and started a new load (right now both slip covers are in... one in the dryer and the other in the washer waiting for the dryer to finish.)
  • Some clutter clearing (though there is plenty more)
  • Played with my baby boy (he is so big... we sat in the hall for a while and rolled his big ball around!)
  • Fed DS real meals (today is the first day without bottles or formula... eeek, that leaves all his nutrition up to me now! I will be posting about this soon!)
  • Some resting/blog reading (I started my day feeling weird... so I decided to take it easy!)
  • Prepared a "real" dinner... The famous (only because I keep saying I'm going to make it and don't) Crustworthy Meatloaf (recipe and pictures when it's done). It's actually in the oven! :)
  • An hour of business work
  • Birthday and Christmas Portraits of DS (DH and I did this this evening together... now we will settle in for a movie together!)

I'm sure there is more... check back for whatever else I finish if you are interested. :)


1 comment:

  1. I know how bad it is to lose water. We have a well, so when we lose power, we don't have water. It's awful. You can't flush the toilet or even wash your hands. I can manage putting the laundry on hold, but I need the others and to take my shower!
