Saturday, December 22, 2007

Not the Day I planned!

It's amazing how company can change all your plans. Today didn't go the way I expected. But, the best laid plans of mice and men... as they say. :) I have noticed that is a little quiet around the blogosphere! Many have taken off for Christmas and left their blogs behind. :) I understand completely... however, I am hoping to at least be around some. :)

Today I was planning to do a quick CVS and grocery shopping trip with my mom in the morning. Then, while the baby napped in the afternoon, DH and I were going to go get the car (the new car) and do a couple little things.

Instead, DH decided he wanted to try to do the car thing before noon (so he could take advantage of the mechanics at the Saturn dealership before they got off work at noon. He wanted to see under the car.) So, we changed our appointment... and made new plans. Saturn isn't far from Walmart (where we needed to go sometime before Christmas to make some returns before all the after Christmas sales)... so we decided to ALL go. Crazy! 2 cars, and 6 people (with the baby) caravaned over the the dealership where we checked out the underside of the car... then to Walmart, where we took care of our exchanges and shopping (I got maternity pants... that actually fit... and don't hurt to wear!)... then to the pizza shop for lunch... then back to the dealership to sign the papers that weren't ready before. Unfortunately, the papers weren't ready and our guy was with other customers. No worries, everyone else took good care of us. It was however already an hour and a half later than DS's nap time!

Long story only moderately shorter... we got the car! and finally got home to put DS to bed (only 3 hours late for his nap!

Now... my house wasn't finished being readied for all the people (that are already here) so I have felt all day that I needed to be dealing with that, but I still needed to run to those two stores. DH and I took the new car (my first time riding/driving in it) and hit a couple stores. :) (Nice Car!) It was nice to have even that short time alone with DH... amazing how nice it is to have a few minutes alone when your house is full!

Upon getting home I finished completely clearing the kitchen table and straightening the house. My wonderful mother knew the importance for me and was a great help! Dinner plans were scratched as I didn't expect to be gone ALL day, so nothing was thawed! I didn't handle it well, but with help we figured out something and got everyone fed.

Now that the evening is complete... we have done all sorts of things, and... we even made the fudge needed to take goodie boxes as Christmas presents for the couples in our Sunday school class tomorrow!

Sigh... Maybe tomorrow will be a little more "normal"... though it is Sunday, so it already has that going against it. :)

Hope your family time is going well!

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