Thursday, December 27, 2007

Regrouping after Christmas

The first few days after Christmas can be a lot of things. They can be a wonderful time of family togetherness. They can be lots of fun as we play with all our new "toys". They can be wonderfully exciting as we shop all those after Christmas sales and save for next year. For me, the days after Christmas are often chaos as I look around my home at the mess left from the day before. Dishes piled high from all the Christmas cooking and baking, paper and trash from present opening tossed around everywhere, and new toys and gifts strewn about.

This year has been different, and I probably shouldn't be the one posting on this topic, because I had a lot of help to make it that way. My wonderful mother has been a huge help in keeping things running and orderly around here since her arrival (which is great because my energy level is up and down). What I do know is this... it feels great to look around my home and enjoy the neatness that surrounds me. Not every corner is perfect, but you'd never know all that took place in my home this past week.

Not long after present opening, gifts were distributed and put away and toys were organized. Having family in our home this past weekend threw me into some kind of anti-clutter-mania! No clutter was allowed (except for a couple places I had little control over). So with the clutter of new toys etc. came my crazy running around to put them all away. I sorted through older toys and pulled out the ones DS doesn't play with as much or has outgrown and tucked them away for later. While I was doing this, my mom was pulling out all trash and bows, taking out the trash and stowing the bows for next year. Meanwhile, DH was organizing something else. Ahhh.... the house looked nice again!

Unfortunately, our bedroom was the catch all for the weekend while family was here, so today I have tackled that area (while DS was asleep ~ he's up again now... sitting on my lap with a book while I type). It looks so much better.

I encourage you... whether you have help or not... quickly clean up the Christmas mess... you will feel so much better! I know I do!

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