Monday, January 28, 2008

Blood... and today's plans

I had big plans to participate in Crystal's Making your Home a Haven Challenge today... and in Rachelanne's Small Things Challenge... then the blood happened! I do still plan to do what I can... and to include my list of things to do, but I'm exhausted already! First let me tell you about the blood (sorry if it's TMI).

Yes... we had our first real bleeding incident. It seems to me that DS got a bloody nose when falling off the bed at 6 months (please tell me this happens to everyone), but it didn't bleed long or much. Today, while I was vacuuming the living room (see my list below), DS was running from this to that, watching me and staying clear of the vacuum (he no longer cries when it's on, but he does want to make sure he knows where it is... pretty cute really!) He had climbed on Daddy's recliner and was getting down (something he is very good at doing safely) when something went wrong. I saw it happen, yet have no idea what happened at the same time. Basically, he fell... sideways sort of and landed with the back of his head to the floor. I knew this could go a few different ways, so I waited. He could get right back up and keep going, fuss first, then get back to business, or cry and want me to comfort him. He chose the later... which didn't surprise me today.

So... I turned of the vacuum and went over to scoop my sobbing little boy off the floor. I lay his head on my shoulder and swayed back and forth while feeling his head and shushing. He cried and cried for several minutes before picking his head up to look at me. That's when I saw it... lots of blood all over his face. I next looked at my shoulder and saw even more blood soaked into my green sweatshirt. I've got to tell you... my first thoughts weren't good. I was sure we were into some sort of blunt force trauma injury and he was bleeding from the mouth as a result. I was a little disoriented and panicky, but I needed to figure out what to do at the same time. I tried cleaning things up so I could see where the blood was coming from and whether or not it was still bleeding. At the same time I was getting blood on everything I touched and trying to call DH at the same time.

Long story short, I never did see exactly what was bleeding, but it slowed down. I am assuming he must have bit the inside of his upper lip (since it seemed a bit swollen). I got him a sippy cup of cold water in hopes of washing his mouth out a bit so I could see better. It worked alright... but still it is near impossible to get him to open his mouth so I can see in. Sticking my tongue out at him did the trick for tongue inspection as he loves that game and was more than happy to stick his tongue way out at me. Nothing.

The bleeding had stopped, he played a bit, had lunch, we went on a short outing to have his ears looked at by a doctor we know, and I brought him home for his nap. I could tell he was crying standing up in his crib, so I went in to help him lay back down (when I can tell he is standing, that means all his blankets and his monkey are on the floor and he will never lay down himself). Unfortunately, it seems sucking on his fingers while trying to fall asleep started the bleeding again, so his blanket, and his poor stuffed monkey had a good amount of blood on them. *Sigh*... does anyone else hate cleaning up blood?

Anyway... all this to say, after all the emotional stress and cleaning up blood, I don't know how much of the following list will actually get done today (I really need a nap or chocolate or something), but here is my goal list:
  • Stow some toys for later on
  • Meal Plan/Grocery list for shopping tonight
  • CVS Shopping Game Plan
  • Finish Laundry and Fold
  • Iron DH work pants
  • Launder bed linens
  • Bake potatoes for making Twice Baked
  • Vacuum Living Room

Thankfully, I am already able to cross off a couple of these from this morning... now we'll see about the rest... one thing at a time!


  1. Thanks for stopping by and for your wonderful comment. You are not alone with your little one falling. My little one took a nose dive off of the bed sometime in early September. Her nose was all scraped up for about a week. I felt like I needed the terrible mom of the day award, but I guess if they don't stumble and fall they really aren't enjoying life!

  2. Elias pulled the art easel down on his upper lip and he bled a ton. Those mouth injuries just bleed a lot. I'm sorry, it is a bit nerveracking. They tend to heal quick though so give it a day. Poor little guy:( My Julia threw-up last traumatic for me! I would take a bloody lip over barf any day!!!

  3. OHHHHH! i hop ehe is feeling all better AND YOU TOO! It is so tough on us Mommy's too. They all do things like that. Blessings on you!

  4. I was so worried when I saw the title. I was afraid that you were spotting and something might be wrong with your pregancy. I was glad (I hate to say it, but I think you understand what I mean) to see that is was DS, not you, that had bled.
