Friday, January 4, 2008

Changes for the New Year

I mentioned a couple days ago that I have been giving some thought to what will be new in this new year. Really what's been going on is that DH has been encouraging me (for some time) to get more theme specific on this blog. So I've been trying to figure out what that means.

What does that mean? What is my theme? I could do any number of things with a blog called "Stay at Home Mommy". Really, I could do what I have been doing all along... just a modge podge of everything. I could, but DH has challenged me to go a step further and to really develop my identity on this blog. Who am I as "The Babychaser" and what can I bring to all of you as a result? If there is anything I have learned (er... am still learning) in our 3 years of marriage, it is that if my husband makes some sort of suggestion, I need to swallow (or kill or destroy) my pride and take his advice... he's usually right! It's biblical really... he is the head God has put over me. So here we go...

What you can expect from this blog in the months (maybe even longer) ahead as I settle into the place God has for me here at Stay at Home Mommy:
  • Nutrition for Toddlers! That's right... I plan to bring you a weekly (let's just call that our goal) series on nutritious eating for toddlers (many principles will apply to babies and children as well). It is a big step moving from breast feeding or formula to a full "adult food" diet, and it is a big responsibility on us moms to make sure our little ones are getting the same level of nutrition in their diets now as they were then! As I do my own research, I hope to bring you the facts and helpful tips for getting your little ones the nutrients they need!
  • Learning for Little Ones! Our children begin learning the moment they are born (even before), so why is it that we wait to begin teaching them until they are 4 or 5?!? I plan to share with you each week something that we are doing to "train up our little child in the way he should go" (loosely quoted). I know so many of you have been doing this longer than I have, so I look forward to hearing your own success stories and ideas too. Maybe down the road we'll get a Mr. Linky for this... until then, I am more than happy to include your links and ideas as you get them to me. Just send me an email, or add a comment. :)
  • Product Reviews and Highlights! Who of us don't need to learn of new and great products for our babies? Even better? Who of you who have products for our babies don't want others to hear about them? I already have my first couple product highlights all picked out. I may begin with one a month for now, but keep your eyes open for review posts, and for buttons on my sidebar highlighting some of my favorite products for my babies! If you have a product you are interested in showing to my readers, or offering as a giveaway, just send me an email and I'll take a look. :)

So what else will you find here? Some of the same old same old as before (that is good for those of you who like my blog already... for the rest of you I hope you will bear with me). This blog is about me... Stay at Home Mommy... The Babychaser! Interspersed with what I have already mentioned above, I will be sharing my life with you... the happenings of my household. Some days that may be recipes or proof that I did indeed clean, other days it may be some carnival I'm participating in or my "deep" thoughts on whatever. :) If any of you have other ideas you would love me to include, send me an email at babychaser (at)


  1. Hey There! Your blog "makeover" sounds good. I liked it already but there is great wisdom in listening to your husband! I especially am enthused about your nutrition for toddlers. That has been a challenge for me since my little girl came off the baby food. New ideas of recipes would be great!

  2. I love the pictures of your orange Gerber daisies, beautiful!

  3. Thanks Irene! I only took pictures with a black background the other day and was really disappointed, so I brought my camera out again this afternoon once DS was down for his nap and captured a few more. :) I'm thinking I may use one for my profile picture. :)

  4. For the baby nutrtion portion, I would recommend Super Baby Food as a resource, my wife loves it.

  5. Thanks Kurt, I'll definately look into it! :)

  6. I am looking forward to your changes since I have a toddler and a baby on the way -- just a couple of weeks before yours.

  7. Sounds great! I just fund your blog and I'll try to check in regularly!
