Friday, February 8, 2008

Trying to Salvage my Day!

Rough morning and I'm tired... but the fussy baby is down for his nap and will hopefully stay there for the next 4 hours! I could really use 4 hours!

I've accomplished nothing today so far, and I'm drained of the energy I wish I had to do what is left to do. I'm holding things to the bare minimum for the afternoon... what actually needs to get done?? Here is what I've come up with so far...
  • Dishes (didn't get to last night's dinner dishes and the kitchen is destroyed now because of it!)
  • Fold laundry (2 loads, one on my couch and one waiting in the dryer)
  • Map our CVS trip (we really need to go tonight... I think I get free chocolate and make up!)

That is my goal list for now. If I can just get those things done, and done in this first hour of nap time, I will feel so much better. And the best part... then I can do whatever I want or don't want without feeling like a terrible home maker!

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