Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Busy Busy

Yep, that's the way it seems around here, yet you'd never know it to look around. There is much to do, and much still to be done. In fact, no, I haven't forgotten you... I still haven't done my menu this week. This is especially bad since we are just about out of milk and really need to do our Walmart shopping trip tonight.

We are camping this weekend with our church. It's so much fun, but it means there is even more to do. Thankfully it also means I don't have to plan or prepare meals Friday through Sunday. :) YEY! I'll try to get a menu up tomorrow sometime... we have been talking about doing a 2 week menu now that we are shopping at Walmart (all the way across town) instead of Giant (down the road a bit.) Perhaps this week, with there being only 1 1/2 weeks left of that, would be a great time to start! The problem though is that it is 5 minutes before 5 and I have no idea what we're having TONIGHT! Hmmm... perhaps I don't have time to be blogging. :)

Hope all is well with you!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry, last comment - I just wanted to say that you are very brave camping with 2 kids. Do you tent? We have considered camping with Emma, but I don't think any of us would get much sleep. (We have a tent)
