Monday, June 16, 2008

Entering the Real World

I ventured out into the "real" world this morning with my little ones. Crazy as this may seem, it's one of the first times I've really felt like it. Oh sure, we go to church, shopping and we've been to the park a few times. This morning, though, after a quick trip to the post office, we visited the library! That's right! I took Tornado and Sweet Pea (who slept in my sling the whole time) down to the children's floor at our library. He loved it and I definitely think we'll be going back. I have big plans to do story hour when the fall comes and they start up again, but since I had a return to make this morning, I decided to burn some energy (his, not mine) and pass some time before lunch at the library! What fun! And I even forced my way entered into a conversation with a couple other moms. It was like I'm a real person or something! We are definitely definitely definitely doing that again! (did I already say that?)

Well, since we did our "real world" venturing this morning, I'm behind on menu planning... I'll get to is when I can. :)

1 comment:

  1. Crazy? Not really. It's one of the hardest things getting up your nerve to take out a toddler and baby for the first time!
