Monday, June 2, 2008

Toddler Menu and Laundry... lots of laundry!

Monday's here again and I'm actually glad. I can't even tell you how many loads of laundry are in some state of something-ness all over my little house. Things are a bit out of control... oh wait... perhaps not. Things are nicely in control because I am working on them! :) The washer and dryer have been working all day long, and because they have been going already, I can keep them going through nap time... if I can just keep the buzzer from going off. :) We were given a BUNCH of baby clothes for Sweet Pea this weekend, so those need to be washed. I did a load of kitchen towels and bibs last night with vinegar to get rid of the smell that seems to linger even after they are washed. This morning we were dismayed to find that My Beloved has ZERO clean undershirts! I felt terrible... impending failure feelings coming on. Poor guy found one that would work for today, but right after he left I threw all of them in the wash, with a few other things, and added some vinegar to that load too. Now we're on to baby clothes and other odds and ends of the same color scheme. The next big job is folding, then ironing. I wonder how much can get done before nap time is over (theirs, not mine... I wish it could all get done while I napped! Wouldn't THAT be a perfect world. Alas, I napped yesterday and as a result, no cereal got made, no laundry got done, and the house was quite messy when My Beloved returned home from his weekend away.)

Anyway, all that to say that I took a laundry break this afternoon to figure out our menu for this week! Here it is:
My plan for that chicken on Thursday is to cube it into 1 inch(ish) cubes and marinate it in Paul Newman Italian Salad Dressing like my mom used to do (ok... she may have used Bernstein's, but I have Paul Newman this week.) Anyway, if it works like hers did, it will be very moist and yummy!

I'm planning to buy fresh green beans this week to have all week long here and there. I'm hoping to have as many fresh veggies this summer to expose Tornado to as many as possible. I don't want him growing up thinking canned veggies are normal and fresh are scary like I did. :)

Oh, and I did hear from several of you about wanting to get the printable version emailed to them. I finally figured it out on my gmail and have sent it out. If anyone else wants to be on my Toddler Menu Mailing List, send me an email at babychaser[at]gmail[dot]com. Please give me a little time. If I don't get this week's out to you, I'll make sure you get next weeks with everyone else. :)

Visit MPM for more menu planning ideas! Have a yummy week!

1 comment:

  1. Uh yes laundry! I had about 15 loads since Sunday....... almost got it washed, dried, folded and hung up. Most put away, but I need to tackle the ironing. Maybe later.

    I just wanted to say what a great attitude you have. Way to go! I am so proud of you. hang in there. We all struggle........

    "I can do all things thorugh Christ which strengthen me." Phil. 4:13. I cling to this many days.
