Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Bloggy Giveaway Carnival: I'm giving too!

Welcome to all of you who have found me by way of the Bloggy Giveaways Carnival (and of course to all my loyal readers)! I hope you'll take a moment to look around and make yourself at home with me. For my giveaway, I'm offering a copy of the cookbook, The Sneaky Chef (link goes to main website). I wrote a review on it here and am excited about the riches it's going to add to my family's nutrition!

To enter my giveaway:
  1. Please take a moment to read my review (at least skim through it).
  2. Then leave a comment on here (it's the review). I'll be choosing a winner from the comments on that post (not this one) this weekend and will post it by Monday.
  3. Be sure to leave me a blog or email address so I can find you! (Sorry, but I can only ship to the US and Canada.)
Good luck!! And thanks for visiting!


  1. I would love to try this cook book! I am using a lot of recipies like this!

  2. I've heard about this cookbook, and would love to try out the recipes! You know how picky toddlers can be.

  3. I would've never thought to use purees to get the vitamins in something. Good idea!

    I sometimes make things for my stepdaughter and have her try it without telling her what's in it first. More often than not, she thinks she won't like it because it has onion or barbecue sauce in it. If she actually tries it, she likes it. Then I tell her what it is, and she's shocked.


  4. Just wanted to say that I bought this book as a gift for my sister and loved it so much that I kept it. If I win, I promise to give it to her LOL

  5. Two of my grandchildren live was us and this would be a great way to get them to eat healthy but yet fun for them. I want them healthy and happy not sad and healthy. Thank you so much!

  6. Great for my son who thinks the only veggie worth eating is corn. I love that all you had to do was contact the publicist to get your copy. Are they usually so willing to do this?

  7. I like that its recipes my kids already like


  8. i have an autistic daughter who has texture issues with veggies... so hiding them is a fabulous idea!!! skyhan@verizon.net
