Thursday, July 3, 2008

Learning for Little Ones: Shape Sorting

One of the toys we received for Tornado when he was WAY to young to play with toys was a Fisher Price shape sorter thingy. I wanted it and I'm sure I asked for it, but for a long time it was useless. After a while however, it was very popular in our home. Though Tornado was still too young to do the sorting part (at 10 months old), he loved putting things in and out. Tomorrow he will be 19 months old and things have changed around here a lot. He still can't do the shapes every time by himself, but he has learned to get them in some of the time.

Yesterday we spent some intentional learning time with this toy. I started out just sitting down to put them in the shape sorter with him, but that didn't last long. He tends to get frustrated and move on to something else. While he was "on to something else", I sorted the shapes myself.

I grouped the shapes on the floor by each shape. Then I brought only one shape right in front of me and called him over. Starting with circles I pointed at each one... "green circle... red circle... blue circle". Then I counted them, pointing with each number... "one, two, three."

Once they were named and counted, Tornado picked each one up and put them into the bucket, through the sorter lid. With each one I named them again... "red circle, green circle, blue circle." Don't forget to include lots of affirmation! We did this with each of the shapes until he was bored with it. From there he started taking each block over to a box (a couple feet away) and placing them on top. He was very deliberate with each placement too... it was pretty cute to watch.

What are you doing with your little ones? Write a post on your blog and link up here. Be sure to link directly to your Learning for Little Ones post and don't forget to link back here so others can participate too. Feel free to use my little Learning for Little Ones banner at the top. Don't have a blog??? Leave your ideas in the comments section. :) I'm so looking forward to visiting your blogs and learning from all of you!


  1. We like the shape sorter here, too! Emma only uses the circle lately, though...since it's the easiest one to get in the hole! I have to show her where the other shapes go and usually help her get them in.

  2. Wow Memories at Home! Thanks! I should point out however that just because I mention ideas of things we do around here, I am far from doing them regularly. My boy does a lot more playing alone (I'm blessed to have a little one that does this) than direction and intentional playing with me. (How is my life so busy???) Isn't it amazing how much better we look online than in real life? If only our husbands saw the online version of us more often. :)
