Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Lies, Failure and the Truth

Have you ever noticed that failure is a relative concept? 

Let me rephrase that...

Have you ever noticed that what makes each of us feel like a failure is a relative concept? 

Did you see the difference?

I mentioned that a lot of things make me feel like a failure.

Most recently?  Buying cereal.


Why does buying cereal make me feel like a failure?

Because I'm supposed to make it myself.  Making granola has been on my to do list for weeks (not counting our time away) and tonight at the store, when my husband turned down the cereal aisle, I inwardly hung my head again in failure.

"He is buying cereal again because I've failed... again."

"He's buying cereal because he doesn't think I'm capable of making granola.  And he's right!"

"I can't do anything right."

"I'm a terrible wife and mother."

"I've failed."

Yes, I really do go through all these thoughts.  And you know what?  They are all lies from the enemy.  Yet with each thought I inwardly hang my head lower and lower. 

But tonight, standing in the cereal aisle, Truth whispered its way into my heart.

Who are you failing? 

Who issued the decree that I should make all our family's cereal?  I did.  Yes, making all our own foods from scratch using healthy, natural ingredients is a goal.  It is healthier.  It is more economical.  But does that always make it better in general?  Does it make it holy?  NO!

What God cares about is my heart.  Your heart!

He knows that I didn't sleep much this week.  That I'm taking care of an extra little boy during the days.  That I struggle with organization.  That I'm trying to be more consistent with my children and less lazy in general.  He cares more that I stop and worship Him in a day than whether I remember to roll my oats.  It's true.  I did fail to make the granola.  And it's true that I probably could have if....

But I didn't.  And I can choose to listen to the enemy as he spits out lies to the tune of my failure, or I can ask God to forgive the laziness that may have been at the root and look to Him to show me His priorities.

Maybe I should have gotten to the granola this week.

Or maybe His plans for my week were not to spend my time making granola.  Maybe His plans for our shopping trip included My Beloved turning down the cereal aisle. 

Maybe, just maybe, He doesn't see me as a failure, but instead His work in progress.  His clay being molded.

Participating here:


  1. Yes, it is the heart - and it's so hard to remember that! Life has so many demands, and then we make our plans, and it's just impossible for anyone to ever really handle it all. Praise God that it doesn't matter what we eat, so long as our hearts are seeking Him! It blows me away to know that, even though I'm not entirely sure I believe it sometimes! Thank you so much for sharing!

    "For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago." Ephesians 2:10 (NLT)

  2. Thanks so much Mary for your insight!

    Blessings to you!

  3. I love this story & then I see Mary's insightful comment that amazes me because she is a teenager with an incredible love for God & He gives her wisdom beyond her years! It is in the Word that our strength does NOT come from foods but I also have a strict expectation of myself to eat what is "healthy". I am definitely going to pray about this! Love & prayers, Cynthia

  4. Thank you Cynthia! And thank you for sharing that Mary is a younger lady! I would have missed that altogether! Praise the Lord for young ladies being daughters at home and learning the ways of the Lord!

    I hope my own daughters will follow in her footsteps!
