Thursday, July 31, 2008

Learning for Little Ones: Practicing with Magazines

Welcome to Learning for Little Ones! Do you have an idea or activity you do with your little ones??? Please share it with us. I'd love it if you would write a post on it sometime in the next couple days and link up to our Mr. Linky. I would ask, though, that you include somewhere in your post a link back to this post so others can participate! Thanks!

I've been forcing myself to stay off line and away from email today so I can accomplish something, but I did want to share this little Learning for Little Ones tip.

I've had to put all regular (paper pages) books up out of reach from Tornado. He's just not ready for them yet. As his name so clearly explains, he's a bit destructive and pages in books are easily torn. I'm not ready for his brand new collection of Dr. Seuss to be destroyed before he can read them himself. We've just started reading these books together, but as far as reading himself (something he loves to do), he is relegated to the board books. :)

In the mean time however, I find that magazines are great for practice... and he loves them. He especially loves the American Baby and Parents magazines because there are lots of pictures of kids and other babies. So... when I am done with a magazine, it's fair game. I generally let it sit somewhere he can find it. They keep him occupied for some time too. He just flips the pages back and forth (great for some fine motor skill practice... he's always been better at the gross motor skills) and back and forth. The magazine stays pretty well in tact too... that is until the first accidental tear in a page... then it's over. A little tear becomes a big one, then other pages, etc, etc. :) It's great practice though, and I've been seeing improvement! It's nice to just be able to toss the torn up magazine in the trash and walk away when all is done too. :)

What are you doing with your little ones? Write a post on your blog and link up here. Be sure to link directly to your Learning for Little Ones post and don't forget to link back here so others can participate too. Feel free to use my little Learning for Little Ones banner at the top. Don't have a blog??? Leave your ideas in the comments section. :) I'm so looking forward to visiting your blogs and learning from all of you!


  1. This is Togopal's husband with an idea for using magazines. Have your DH teach Tornado how to fill them with 9mm and other assorted calibers while DH unloads them at the range. :)

  2. I've had to box up Emma's paper books, too. The board books get enough damage. She loves to "read" magazines, too. And rip them, etc. Her latest greatest toy, though, is my wedge shaped pillow which turns into a fun SLIDE for her. I think I should take her to the park so we can go down a real slide! Maybe when it gets cooler out.

  3. Bloggy Giveaway!!! WINNERS...
    You can find out if you won the Lesson plans
    by Going to this link..
    I suggest you peek lol....

    Homeschooling mom of 6

    Oh and you may wnat to stop by my blog on Mondays. I participate in a meme called Tot school. The information will be there sometime monday. It is similar to what you are doing but not exactly the same. You might enjoy jumping in..:)
