Thursday, December 20, 2007

Ice Storm Fall Out ~ Part 1

I said I would have pictures and stories... so here they are (though there are more stories than pictures).

This weekend weather reports were calling for a Nor'easter (a very cold storm coming from the North East that usually dumps lots of snow). In the last hours before it started we began wondering if it was going to miss us... and in fact, we got no snow! Very sad for me! We did however get quite the ice storm. The worst one we've had since I've lived here!

Sunday morning we received the call from our Sunday School teacher that church was canceled... not because of road conditions as we expected, but because there was no power at the church! Looking out the window we could understand. There was ice covering everything!

I wish I'd taken more pictures... but things were a little hectic once things got rolling!

We took the morning slow, enjoying the time with DH's dad who had come for the weekend. While they played with the baby I decided to work on some things. I started a couple loads of laundry and made plans to work on my snowman quilt so we can actually use it this year!

Around 11:30 everything changed! I was getting something out of the refrigerator when the "earthquake" like sounds/feelings started. I turned just in time to see the tree fall on our house! Here are a couple pictures of the damage!

Fortunately, our landlord returned (from being out of town) that afternoon. He informed us that this is an extra roof and the actual trailer we live in wasn't damaged... so no concern of weather getting inside! :) Praise the Lord! These two pictures were taken after the tree removal. Our landlord and DH worked to get it down.


More to come with Power outage stories!


  1. Oh, my! Your story makes me glad that we live in the South where we rarely get ice and snow. Our last ice storm was 3 or four years ago. And we haven't had snow, either.

  2. Great pictures! I too am thankful for very little ice. You have the best attitude friend. Especially with the house fixing to be full of people...We will have M's family coming after Christmas for E's B-day for a week. FIL offered to buy hotel rooms for all of them...a big blessing for me. I think it will allow me to be less stressed and make the time that they do spend in our home more special (as I won't be cleaning up after every little thing while they're there because of the space limitations) Have a great day!!
