Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Seeing Progress one Corner at a Time

Well, this has been a week of craziness! I don't so much feel like I'm crazy busy, but because I've had appointments/ responsibilities outside my home almost every morning this week so far, I feel like I don't have time to accomplish the things I want. Yesterday I sat down for the first time to go over my day (you know the planning stage) at noon... and today it's almost 3! This morning I had my pregnancy glucose test (the one where I have to chug glucose and then sit in the waiting room for an hour before they take my blood). Fun! Then I ran to CVS... if I ever have time again I will tell you about my fun (no money spent) trip there. Then to the post office to mail a few things (Lesha, your cookbook should be there by the end of next week media mail!)

Finally home at 11:30, I fed the baby a "snack" the size of a meal, let him play a few minutes while I did something small, then put him down to his nap. Just as I was getting ready to do the dishes (not many of them because I have been keeping up), DH called to see what was for lunch. I am always so happy when he chooses to come home and eat with me. Most days he has an invitation to go out to eat on someone else's dollar, and today was not different! But he chose to come home and eat with me. It is always nice to have him home in the middle of the day, but having not accomplished anything yet today, my day got an even later start. I did get the dishes washed before making his lunch though, so if nothing else happens today, at least that was done. :) Oh, and of course I spent time with the Lord this morning!

Still to do today (my somewhat realistic goals):
  • wrap all Christmas gifts for DH's work friends and their families
  • Package portrait orders for delivery or pick-up (we got a shipment this afternoon)
  • have dinner ready by 5

If there is time, I would also like to make up a batch of sugar cookie dough to stick in the fridge, but with DS waking up sometime soon, I'm being realistic! :) Oh, and if I can have the kitchen sparkly again after doing all that, that would make my night!

Speaking of sparkly... I told you I got before pictures... and I have conquered one corner of my kitchen... so here are before and after pictures of that!

I didn't get to the toaster oven... so it's not sparkly yet, but everything else is great! I even got up a rust ring on the counter from a can of formula that ended up sitting in water (dumb leaky dish drainer!)

Anyway... on to today's list! :) Have a great day!

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