Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Making My Home a Haven ~ Day 7 (Recovery Part 2)

Nope, I'm not skipping out on today's challenge! Just a little behind. We had to run out this morning for immunizations and that turned into one thing after another and we just got home... at noon! So... needless to say, my morning routine isn't done yet, tonight's dinner isn't started, and I'm running behind in everything else. I did take the time to spend time with the Lord this morning! Praise the Lord for that habit! Now I will start everything else! :)

For my personalized part of today's challenge, I'm going to finish what I started yesterday! I got lots done, but didn't finish! So today is day 2 of yesterday! Items remaining on my to do list?:
  • Finish Dishes (Most of them were done, there are just a few pans and last night's dinner dishes left) ~ Done
  • Declutter kitchen (living room is pretty much done except for the toys that are out yet again!)
  • Iron
  • Wash Sheets (I did get 2 loads done yesterday, but still have those sheets)

So much better than yesterday's list! It will feel so much better to have it all ship shape. IF there is time, and I get everything decluttered, I may even bring out more Christmas decorations! :)

I did get those before pictures yesterday, so I'll try to get the before and afters up when I'm done. :)

Join us over at Biblical Womanhood!

1 comment:

  1. I hope you had a very productive day, keep up the great work!

