This is it before... though,
when I started yesterday it was much worse...
there was no place to sit and eat or anything!
And after...
Ok, so it's not perfect. I could have easily cleared a few more
that don't belong before snapping the picture... but the point is
that this is still WAY better than yesterday!
So what is my overall point? I may not have accomplished everything I set out to yesterday morning, but I got something done! If I had never put the kitchen table on my to do list, I may have never started. There are plenty of other things calling for my time each moment (DS is only one of them), but because I made this table my goal yesterday, anything I got done is a blessing to me and my family!
I am hoping this encourages you too! Make goals... and try to work toward them... but if all you get through is one stack of papers, you've done something! If all you do is make enough room to eat at tonight on your kitchen table, you've taken a step in the right direction! If all you do is clear a path to your bed before bedtime tonight, that is one more thing you don't have to do tomorrow! Don't beat yourself up over the things you don't accomplish today! Give glory to God for what he helped you to accomplish today!... then pick it back up tomorrow!
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