Monday, February 11, 2008

This Week's Toddler Menu... now available to print!

Happy Monday to you all!!!

Here is our toddler menu for this week! Keep in mind that this is just what we have planned... things do change sometimes, so don't feel bad if you don't stick to yours food for food! These menus are only a tool to help us feed our children nutritiously! :)

Also, I've had a request to make this available for you to print, so I do have a larger .pdf available for you if you want to print it out at home for reference... just send me an email at babychaser@gmail(dot)com and I'll send it to you! :) It will print approximately 6" x 6.5" in the center of a regular page. I may work on the formating more before next week... but we'll start here. :)
For dinners this week I'm trying to simplify. We've been trying to keep our grocery budget around $35-$40 a week and were doing a pretty good job since starting in November. That is until a couple weeks ago... a $45 week, then more than $70 last week. I guess this out of control stuff is a theme these days. So I'm trying to get a grip and have a low week. We are therefore using what we have... and it turns out we have quite a bit. :)

Both the pasta night and Tammy's Easy Lasagna (a recipe we are trying new and I'm planning to freeze a second tray of) are using jarred pasta sauce I stocked up on several weeks ago when they were on sale. Oh, and the pizza... I'm planning to make 2 of them, freezing the second all ready to go in the oven after the baby comes. :) That makes 2 more meals added to my freezer this week! :)

Thursday night we were invited to have dinner with friends from church... what a blessing to help stretch our grocery budget this week! :)

Stop in later on... I have plans for a new nutrition article! Another easy way to get those tough nutrients into our kiddies! :)

Don't miss our giveaway... and get more family meal ideas here!

1 comment:

  1. You have inspired me! Thanks so much! i can't wait to see more of your menus. You have a charming blog. God's blessings on your little ones!
