Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Learning for Little Ones: Google Images

Who'da thought Google could come through on yet another level for us!?! (Is anyone else constantly impressed and appreciative of Google?)

I have no idea what made me think to try this (desperation??? It does help pass 15-20 minutes), but a couple weeks ago it hit me. Let me tell you...

I've been seeing my 15 month old learn new things every day. It's amazing to see! It's like the light went on this past month and he suddenly understands that everything has a name. Since we've been teaching him sign language (and I'm so glad since he still isn't talking!), it's been especially fun because at the same time he understands that the signs he's learning are those names!

Anyway, just like using field trips to stores to help teach my little one, I have also started using Google! We don't get out much during the days (as DH generally has the car and we aren't in a great-for-walking area), nor do we have a very big house or tons of varied things to look at in it. So when DS is craving dogs or fish or bunnies or whatever, I just pull up Google images and type in the animal we are looking for. I then scan the page for a good picture (meaning relevant, not necessarily well taken) or drawing or stuffed thing or whatever and click on it. It brings up a picture of whatever and DS gets very excited... signing whatever it is over and over (if he doesn't know the sign, or doesn't do it right yet, I sign it to show him... every time). The smiles it brings are great!!! Plus, with the vast types of dogs or fish or bunnies or whatever, I am helping DS learn that a dog can look like this and like that, that it can be a stuffed dog or a real one. His understanding grows more and more every day! We do sounds too if the animal makes a sound... woof woof! That makes DS giggle! :)

It works for me!


  1. I absolutely LOVE Google!!
    We use it all the time, it is better than a 28 volume encyclopedia!
    Popped over from Home Sanctuary, congrats on the sweet new baby!

  2. Google is great for so many things! Thanks for sharing!

  3. Great idea! Julia and I look up Disney Princess stuff a lot too. I like the Disneyplayhouse and other kid sites because you can print out coloring pages. In a lot of ways it's better than a coloring book because you can print exactly what you want and have a variety of different pages to choose from.

  4. I totally do this too. And you can download the images and paste them onto Microsoft Word documents (or print them by themselves) to use later as well! come by my site to see some speech tips for your son! :)

  5. I use Google all the time for homeschooling. When we're reading and come across a term the kids don't know, we look it up on Google images. You Tube also has very educational videos!

    When your little guy is old enough to be interested in letters, be sure and check out . It's better than Sesame Street!
