...I love it, but it's one of my least favorite times! Are we all confused yet? I hope not. Let me explain. Summer is full of so many fun events and activities that truly are unique to the season. It's our busy season for photography therefore money is coming in more quickly. Warm weather makes it possible to swim and eat smoothies. We travel more, play more, work more... I love it. Unfortunately, with all those fun things comes very little down time... and I hate that! The things we are doing may be fun, like picking cherries this morning and taking clients out for a nice dinner tonight, but it didn't leave time for me to get all my "chores" done today. It means I'm late with my meal plan again and that I now have to figure it all out tomorrow instead of doing Tuesday's chores tomorrow. And... none of it can start until after we get home from tomorrows fun summer play date activity. I really do need a break from all this fun!
Really it's not all that bad. Being out of town this weekend kind of starts the week off a little behind. We'll catch up, and we're going to do it without getting all frenzied and irritable. :) I have a list of things to do and I'll slowly cross things off as they get done. (Hopefully I can cross off faster than I add to the list.) I have a list of things to post on as I have time too. Hopefully that will get done soon also! :)
Anyway, all this to say that I'll get my meal plan/toddler menu up as soon as I can (hopefully tomorrow afternoon!) :)
Hope your Monday was great (and a little slower than mine)!
Poor Babychaser! She is having too much fun!!