Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Whew... a toddler menu

Let's face it... this is the way life is now. Perhaps in the fall things will slow down to a comfortable level. Until then, I hope you'll hang with me and my late meal plans and random posting. I do have a menu for you though. I told you last week that we are switching to a 2 week plan... and we are... but I just don't have next weeks ready for you. Just know that we are doing pizza again next week as well as a couple days of left overs (LO for those who don't know). Cherries are on here a bunch at the beginning because we picked them yesterday and cherries only last a few days... so we're eatin um. :)

Oh, PW's Chicken Sandwich can be found here!
And more meal ideas are here!


  1. Your menu sounds great!! My kids would probably move in with you lol.

  2. I think they would be sorely disappointed. Only sometimes do things work out according to plan. :)
