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When you're down with the "D"s

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Chasing Babies... Growing in Grace: When you're down with the "D"s

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

When you're down with the "D"s

Those dreadful "D"s. I hadn't even thought about it until Little Mommy left her comment yesterday, but most of those words that describe how we're doing when we're not doing so great... they do start with "D".

Words like discouraged, depressed, despair, downcast, downtrodden, defeated, disheartened.

Then there are a whole heap of words that don't start with "D" that are similar. And some days we just feel them don't we? Many days for some of us?

Add little sleep, lots of children, and hormones and we're lucky to have a day that is free and clear of those down feelings!

I hate to admit that I used to doubt what depression really was. I didn't understand why and how people struggled with it. I'm ashamed now to say that I wished they'd just snap out of it... do something about it. Don't just sit there and wallow in it.

Now that I've been on the other side... I totally understand. I am so grateful for the opportunity to experience it for myself. (Does that sound strange to anyone else???) Because I can now understand that feeling of wanting to climb back under the covers and shrink away from the world and everything in it. I can understand preferring to just cry than to deal with the weight of everything pressing in around me.

I get it.


But here's the trick... as believers we do have a way out. It's hard. Believe me, I know. And we don't want to do it. I don't understand why, exactly. But we don't. Somehow we'd rather wallow in our self-pity.

But let me tell you... it gets old. And we're trapped. Unable to get out from under that cloud alone.

So what do we do? How can we make it stop?

It's not easy... but it is simple. Worship.

Start small. Stop if you can. Sit with pen and paper, journal, something. Can't stop? Speak it outloud. Whisper if that's all you can muster.

You are God.

Keep it up!

You made the heavens and the earth.

You are mighty, strong, everlasting!

"I will praise you for I am fearfully and wonderfully made!"

Say thank you!
Thank you for sky, clouds, rain.

Spring time, late snow, blowing leaves.

Thank you for babies. Crying. Tiny spoons. Food on the floor. Diapers. Laundry. Leaks.

Thank you for children. Messes. Cuddling. Lunchtime together. Help with the chores. Conversations.

Thank you for strength. Health. Hands.

Plead. Admit. Confess. Sometimes I think we forget that admitting our weakness in light of His strength can be a form of worship. It all depends on our hearts before Him!

God I can't do this without you.

Please help me.

I need you.

Help me to breath.

*Sob* *Sob* *Sob*
(Wouldn't He rather we do it to Him, bring it to Him, than to fall apart alone... without admitting our need?)


Our God is an awesome God!

I worship you almighty God!

Lord I lift your name on high!

Listen. Can't sing yet... don't have it in you? Turn on some of your favorite worship music. My sweet husband often does this for me before he leaves for work on the days he notices I'm lower than usual. Amazing how hearing someone else worship can be so helpful to encourage our hearts!

Sometimes we just can't get out for ourselves. There is a very important thing you must do on the days you just can't get started with any of these things. Tell someone. Share your heart with your husband, sister, friend... someone, anyone who can act as encourager for you. Someone in the same house is so helpful... someone to turn on the music, open in prayer... pray for you. Hold you tight.

It wasn't until I'd shared my struggles with my husband Sunday that I started to see that my sad lot in life wasn't all that sad after all. From there... worship, communion with my God... hope!

This is what works for me.

What do you do when you find yourself struggling with the "D"s???

Linking to...

It's not of God

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At April 13, 2011 at 3:18 PM , Blogger Emily T. Thomas said...

great tips!
I have a little pamphlet from my spiritual director that reminds me when I'm desolate to "cling to the truth of the Trinity's love and continual care for me..."


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