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Chasing Babies... Growing in Grace: Making Memories

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Making Memories

Have you ever met Joanne?

I haven't either.

And truth be told, I haven't been a reader of her blog in a long while. I read several years ago, but then, in the year of many re-formats, I lost her blog. And, really, I let the many I knew I was probably missing go for times sake.

Then yesterday I saw this button and I was curious. That's all. Nothing more holy than that... yet I think it was the Holy Spirit's prompting.


Click and find out.

So I did. And what I found stopped me short. I'd been there before. I read and read to learn what we were praying for, and what I found (which I could have found more quickly if I'd read the little blurb at the top) is that this sweet daughter of the King had a major stroke one week ago today.

You can scroll through the blog where her husband is keeping everyone updated. But if you do... I encourage you to also read the last post she did. You may not think much of it. Maybe I'm reading between the lines. She lit a fire... smoked the house... fire alarm went off. No biggy. But I went deeper than that. I saw the part where she was doing school by the fire. Spending time with her girls... and maybe, just maybe actually roasted marshmallows that afternoon.

The very next day she had a stroke and those memories with their mommy are the most fresh in their minds. Of course we don't know what else happened that day. Whether attitudes were wrong. Whether she yelled at one of her children. Whether she got caught up on the computer when her babies wanted her to read them a story. All we see is the positive. (Isn't that the way of blogs?)

It grabbed me though, and hasn't let me go. What would my children remember? What would be the last thing we did together? What memories would flood their minds?

How I disapproved of them? Snapped at the spilled orange juice? Got frustrated over a craft project? Was "too busy" to read with them or play on the floor?

Or will I take the time to rub noses with them? Tickle their feet? Cuddle with a pile of books? Bake cookies together... then clean it all up together?

We do not know how many days we have with our babies. We can't know whether God will choose to take us before our babies are grown. How will we spend our days? How much time will we give to them? What good things do we need to let go in favor of the best things?

These are the questions on my heart today. I challenge you to think on the same. And drop by Joanne's blog... and say a prayer for her and her family!

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At January 18, 2011 at 3:56 PM , Blogger Kim Givens said...

Thanks for posting that about Joanne. I've never read her blog before. I will def. be praying for her and her family. We have been going through so much lately and Joanne's story is a reminder that God is greater and in control even though we do not understand right now. I needed that reminder in my life. I will be praying.

At January 18, 2011 at 4:12 PM , Blogger kristen said...

thank you, needed to hear that.


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